I’m a sucker for TEDx Talks, especially awesome ones.

A friend shared this one, that Yesika Salgado did, with me quite awhile ago and I totally forgot to share it with you – oops!

There were a few things that really stuck out to me during her talk. Let me share them and why they hit so close to home for me. First, this statement:

… confused people thinking you can’t be this fat and still be the baddest chic in the room …

This hit home because for so long it was ME that believe I couldn’t be this fat and still be a bad ass chic. It was ME that held me back from all the awesome things I’m doing now. It was ME that held me back because for so long I was taught (and told) that you can’t be fat and do _____ or _____ (fill in the blank with all the things you want to do). Boy, am I glad I stopped being confused and started to realize and believe I can (and am) be FAT and a bad ass and do all those things I was told fat girls can’t (or shouldn’t) do!

Second, this:

I put it on like armor. I braced myself for whatever would happen and I went out into the world. And guess what happened? Nothing! Nobody cared. I didn’t implode. Nobody threw tomatoes at me. And I made it back home safe and sound.

I won’t tell you what she was referring to in this section of her talk, I’ll leave that for you to watch and find out 😉 But oh my gosh did this ever hit home. It was May of 2018 and I was in Atlanta, Georgia with my friend (and coach) Kelly. I had recently bought a few pairs of shorts and was so afraid and nervous to wear them. You see, many years ago in my younger days (and coincidentally skinnier) I was made fun of my jiggly and thick thighs while wearing a pair of shorts. I was so embarrassed and from that point on, vowed to never wear another pair of shorts in my life. I suffered through summers roasting and sweating in capris because I wouldn’t wear shorts.

Then I stepped into Torrid one day and fell in love with a few different pairs of shorts. A sales gal saw me looking and asked if I wanted to try them on, told her nope I can’t wear shorts. Let’s just say she had a coming to Jesus meeting with me that day about I could wear whatever I wanted. I reluctantly tried them on. Stared at my reflection for what felt like forever. Decided, reluctantly again, to buy them and take them to Atlanta. Not sure I would ever actually wear them. But I did. And guess what?

Yep, just like Yesika mentioned in her talk NOTHING happened. Nobody paid attention to my shorts or my big thick jiggly thighs. I was more uncomfortable than anything because I was so worried what others might say, think, etc. I still don’t wear shorts frequently, but I do wear them 🙂

Alright, enough of my rambling. I invite you to take 10 minutes and watch this TEDx Talk by  Yesika Salgado

Note: If swearing offends you, don’t watch as there is some language in it. 

I would love to hear your thoughts. Did you resonate with anything specific she shared? Leave me a comment below! 


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