Black woman hugging herself

Self-love is one of the first things I started learning when I walked through the doors of my very first AA meeting (it was March 30, 2012!). I grew up being told I wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, yada yada yada. Hating myself, having no confidence, and low self-esteem resulted in a pretty messed up life – as if the mention of AA didn’t clue you in to that ;-).

Anyways, one of the first things I was told at that meeting was “we will love you until you can love yourself.” It’s been a long journey and one I’ll never regret or wish to shut the door on because I’m such a different woman than I was when I walked through those doors six years ago! I still have days where I don’t like myself and all too often I still tend to put self-love and self-care on the back burner…but I’m a work in progress and always trying to get better at taking care of ME.

And that’s why I loved Ash Ambirge’s 24 Ways to Love Yourself Fiercely + Bravely—Even When You’re Feeling Like a Heaping Hot Mess post and highly recommend you take a couple minutes to go read it.

Note: if you’re not familiar with her, be warned – she likes the F-word 

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