After two conversations with other plus-size women, I was heartbroken (and angered!) to hear about some experiences they’ve gone through – food shaming, weight discrimination, and so much more. While it broke my heart, I wasn’t surprised or horrified. Instead, I could relate and their stories hit way too close to home.

It sparked an idea…

I asked one of them to share their story on the Unapologetically Fat Podcast with me and they said “No, not unless there is a way for me to share it anonymously!”

And the light bulb went off!!!

I could create a way for THEIR “VOICES” TO BE HEARD… ANONYMOUSLY!

And that’s where all of this comes into play now…

This is a safe and anonymous space where they (and YOU) can share their stories and experiences without fear of judgment (or identification)! And then I’ll tell the story!

What I’m Looking For:

  • Body Shaming: Instances where you’ve faced judgment or discrimination because of your size.
  • Food Shaming: Experiences where you’ve been criticized or judged for your eating habits.
  • Self-Esteem & Body Image: Moments that have impacted your self-esteem or how you view your body.
  • Clothes Policing: Experiences where you’ve been told you shouldn’t wear something because plus-size people shouldn’t wear that.
  • Weight Discrimination in Professional Settings: Doctors, therapists, bosses, leaders, etc. – if someone in a professional setting has weight discriminated, share it!
  • How You Were Told You Were Fat Without It Being Said: Example: I wanted to take a Yoga class & the acquaintance I asked about going with her said “Well, I’m not saying you can’t go… but there’s nobody that looks like you.”
  • What You Wish People Knew: About being plus-size (example: 1 of the things I wish people knew about my fatness is that it doesn’t mean I’m inactive. Or another example: I wish people understood that fat doesn’t equal unhealthy – just as thin doesn’t equal healthy.)
  • Negative effects: Anything that has caused you to feel negative about your body, food, etc.

Why Share Your Story?

Every voice matters, and your experience deserves to be heard… even if it’s being done anonymously!

Your story has the power to make others feel like they’re not alone! Sharing your story can be healing. By sharing your experiences of body shaming, food shaming, and any other challenges you’ve faced as a plus-size woman, you can help others who may be going through similar struggles!

How to Submit:

Easy peasy! Just write your submission (it can be as short or long as you like) in the box below, check the yes box, and then hit submit! Boom – you’re done 🙂


You are submitting info in complete anonymity – I do not have a way to know your name, email address, etc.!

I understand what I’m submitting is anonymous & it will be shared publicly in the Unapologetically Fat Podcast & YouTube videos.