Self-worth is not determined by a number on the scale or the size of your clothes! Here are 4 tips to start embracing your self-worth today.
Navigating health concerns, as a fat person, in a weight-focused medical system can be challenging - my experience past & present.
Plus-size body positivity influencers are everywhere but that doesn't mean they're doing it right! I'm sharing 3problems with what they're doing.
Fat shaming is not ok. What I want the online fat shaming trolls to know - 3 things.
In a fatphobic world, existing as a plus-size person can be challenging & embracing my fat body took 3 key steps - listen in for them.
From body shame to self-acceptance, breaking societal stereotypes, and confidently taking up space, Tish shares her journey.
Body Positivity vs. Body Neutrality: Finding Your Path to Self-Acceptance. Navigating the land of body image isn't easy...
Body neutrality - what it is and 6 practical steps you can use to start practicing body neutrality today.
Navigating body positivity and body neutrality - can you practice both or does it have to be one or the other?
A simple question, during a breakfast conversation with a stranger, about loving myself if I was fatter sent me into an emotional whirlwind!